test basic list.html in layouts/list.html

green | hugo-dm1 | testing out the basics plus github deploy

range .Pages

Permalink: /newsletter/
Title: Newsletters

Permalink: /cool/
Title: Cools

Permalink: /blog/
Title: Blogs

range .Site.Pages

Permalink: /
Title: green | hugo-dm1 | testing out the basics plus github deploy

Permalink: /newsletter/latest-cool-stuff/
Title: Latest Cool Stuff

** Insert lead paragraph here **

New Cool Posts

Permalink: /newsletter/
Title: Newsletters

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-10/
Title: Cool Item 10

Permalink: /cool/
Title: Cools

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-09/
Title: Cool Item 09

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-08/
Title: Cool Item 08

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-07/
Title: Cool Item 07

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-06/
Title: Cool Item 06

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-05/
Title: Cool Item 05

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-04/
Title: Cool Item 04

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-03/
Title: Cool Item 03

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-02/
Title: Cool Item 02

Permalink: /cool/cool-item-01/
Title: Cool Item 01

Permalink: /blog/
Title: Blogs

Permalink: /blog/second-entry-in-blog/
Title: Second Entry in Blog
$> hugo new post/post-name.md
    │    │   │    │
    │    │   │    └─ name of the content being generated
    │    │   └─ type of the content being generated
    │    └─ generator command to create new content
    └─ hugo command

Permalink: /blog/first-entry-in-blog/
Title: First Entry in Blog

START This is the first entry in blog

create new blog/a-b-c-d.md


try out shortcode for tweet

⚡️LINK TO WATCH THE PREMIERE⚡️ of #BeaversWithoutBorders is HERE!! 🎬🦫🐾

Click @ 19:00 TONIGHT to be the first to watch, then stay for LIVE Q&A with @ninaconstable & @sophiepavs!

➡️ https://t.co/4CzJyCnksJ

Register here for event details & reminders 🔔 https://t.co/hdVBJPp0eg pic.twitter.com/UIBX36LnTC

— Beaver Trust (@BeaverTrust) November 15, 2020

Permalink: /categories/
Title: Categories

Permalink: /tags/
Title: Tags

range .Site.RegularPages

Permalink: Latest Cool Stuff
Title: Latest Cool Stuff

** Insert lead paragraph here **

New Cool Posts

Permalink: Cool Item 10
Title: Cool Item 10

Permalink: Cool Item 09
Title: Cool Item 09

Permalink: Cool Item 08
Title: Cool Item 08

Permalink: Cool Item 07
Title: Cool Item 07

Permalink: Cool Item 06
Title: Cool Item 06

Permalink: Cool Item 05
Title: Cool Item 05

Permalink: Cool Item 04
Title: Cool Item 04

Permalink: Cool Item 03
Title: Cool Item 03

Permalink: Cool Item 02
Title: Cool Item 02

Permalink: Cool Item 01
Title: Cool Item 01

Permalink: Second Entry in Blog
Title: Second Entry in Blog
$> hugo new post/post-name.md
    │    │   │    │
    │    │   │    └─ name of the content being generated
    │    │   └─ type of the content being generated
    │    └─ generator command to create new content
    └─ hugo command

Permalink: First Entry in Blog
Title: First Entry in Blog

START This is the first entry in blog

create new blog/a-b-c-d.md


try out shortcode for tweet

⚡️LINK TO WATCH THE PREMIERE⚡️ of #BeaversWithoutBorders is HERE!! 🎬🦫🐾

Click @ 19:00 TONIGHT to be the first to watch, then stay for LIVE Q&A with @ninaconstable & @sophiepavs!

➡️ https://t.co/4CzJyCnksJ

Register here for event details & reminders 🔔 https://t.co/hdVBJPp0eg pic.twitter.com/UIBX36LnTC

— Beaver Trust (@BeaverTrust) November 15, 2020

range .RegularPagesRecursive