0719 netlify

netlify CSS form HTML Brad Traversy Youtube

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  1. Watched Brad Traversy’s Youtube video. Build a Responsive Website | HTML, CSS Grid, Flexbox & More

  2. A CSS framework like Bootstrap is not used. Instead, CSS is used in two ways. As utility classes, used as part of HTML, as per CSS frameworks, and in the usual way to target specific HTML. The CSS resulting is quite long though.

  3. Netlify is used to deploy to a live website, and as well as github (used previously but not this time) a project folder can be dragged in to netlify. This worked well.

  4. Form submission is also supported by netlify with the addition of a few changed to the form setup, including re-captcha. Free accounts are limited to 100 form submissions per month.

Using netlify with its form processing is very useful.
