Featured Image

featured image summary absURL Hugo Forum

Searching for anything about the use of image and images in front matter with lists of images in the bundle, and found this. It isn’t relevant to the original search, but it is worth working through.


I would like to have a section on one page which displays post featured images (maybe specified in the front matter or the first image used in the post) together with a summary of that post. If this could be done to automatically pick up the most recent post in any given category, that would be marvellous. Can it be done?

Initial understanding

For anyone else who finds this and wants to know how I did it: in the .md file, you need to include this in the front matter:

featured_image = “images/pic01.jpg”

Then at the point you want to include it in the page, you add into the template

<a href="#" class="image featured">
    {{if isset .Params "featured_image" }}
        <img src="{{ index .Params "featured_image" }}"></a>
    {{ end }}

In this case it’s a matter of taste (and space…), but I tend to use this construction for these conditionals (your code works fine, but “with” has less surprises in some cases, and it’s more compact):

{{ with .Params.featured_image }}
    <img src="{{ . }}">
{{ end }}


Next steps

Hugo Forum • Featured images and bundles

See Also
